Journal Article
Title Authors Date Published
Editorial commentary: Severe HIV-associated CD8+ T-cell encephalitis: is it the tip of the Iceberg? D. Langford, S. Letendre 07/2013 Journal Article
Apolipoprotein-E genotype and human immunodeficiency virus-associated neurocognitive disorder: the modulating effects of older age and disease severity S.E. Panos, C.H. Hinkin, E.J. Singer, A.D. Thames, S.M. Patel, J.S. Sinsheimer, A.C. Del Re, B. Gelman, S. Morgello, D. Moore, A.J. Levine 06/2013 Journal Article
Chronic kidney disease after liver transplantation in human immunodeficiency virus/hepatitis C virus-coinfected recipients versus human immunodeficiency virus-infected recipients without hepatitis C virus: results from the national institutes of health mu R. Bahirwani, B. Barin, K. Olthoff, P. Stock, B. Murphy, K. Rajender Reddy 06/2013 Journal Article
Plasma metabolomics identifies lipid abnormalities linked to markers of inflammation, microbial translocation, and hepatic function in HIV patients receiving protease inhibitors E. Cassol, V. Misra, A.G. Holman, A. Kamat, S. Morgello, D. Gabuzda 05/2013 Journal Article
In vivo semi-quantitative image analysis of CXCR4 expression within human neurons J. Pitcher, R. Wurth, S. Shimizu, O. Meucci 2013 Journal Article
Mechanisms of HIV Entry Into the CNS: Increased Sensitivity of HIV Infected CD14+CD16+ Monocytes to CCL2 and Key Roles of CCR2, JAM-A, and ALCAM in Diapedesis D.W. Williams, T.M. Calderon, L. Lopez, L. Carvallo-Torres, P.J. Gaskill, E.A. Eugenin, S. Morgello, J.W. Berman 07/2013 Journal Article
PINCH in the cellular stress response to tau-hyperphosphorylation A.Y. Ozdemir, I. Rom, J. Kovalevich, W. Yen, R. Adiga, R. Dave, D. Langford 2013 Journal Article
Applications and Limitations of Inflammatory Biomarkers for Studies on Neurocognitive Impairment in HIV Infection E. Cassol, V. Misra, S. Morgello, D. Gabuzda 11/2013 Journal Article
Calpain-mediated degradation of MDMx/MDM4 contributes to HIV-induced neuronal damage D. Colacurcio, A. Yeager, D.L. Kolson, K.L. Jordan-Sciutto, C. Akay 10/2013 Journal Article
Age-dependent molecular alterations in the autophagy pathway in HIVE patients and in a gp120 tg mouse model: reversal with beclin-1 gene transfer J. Fields, W. Dumaop, E. Rockenstein, M. Mante, B. Spencer, I. Grant, R.J. Ellis, S. Letendre, C. Patrick, A. Adame, E. Masliah 03/2013 Journal Article
Alterations in the levels of vesicular trafficking proteins involved in HIV replication in the brains and CSF of patients with HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders J. Fields, W. Dumaop, A. Adame, R.J. Ellis, S. Letendre, I. Grant, E. Masliah 12/2013 Journal Article
Cerebrospinal Fluid miRNA Profile in HIV-Encephalitis M. Pacifici, S. Delbue, P. Ferrante, D. Jeansonne, F. Kadri, S. Nelson, C. Velasco-Gonzalez, J. Zabaleta, F. Peruzzi 05/2013 Journal Article
Protease resistant protein cellular isoform (PrP(c)) as a biomarker: clues into the pathogenesis of HAND B. Megra, E.A. Eugenin, T.K. Roberts, S. Morgello, J.W. Berman 12/2013 Journal Article
Genetic diversity and linkage disequilibrium in the chemokine receptor CCR2-CCR5 region among individuals and populations C. Lawhorn, V. Yuferov, M. Randesi, A. Ho, S. Morgello, M.J. Kreek, O. Levran 11/2013 Journal Article
Progressive cerebral injury in the setting of chronic HIV infection and antiretroviral therapy A. Gongvatana, J. Harezlak, S. Buchthal, E.S. Daar, G. Schifitto, T.B. Campbell, M.J. Taylor, E.J. Singer, J. Algers, J. Zhong, M.S. Brown, D.D. McMahon, Y.T. So, D. Mi, R.K. Heaton, K. Robertson, C.T. Yiannoutsos, R. Cohen, B.A. Navia, HIV Neuroimaging Consortium 06/2013 Journal Article
Systems analysis of human brain gene expression: mechanisms for HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment and common pathways with Alzheimer's disease A.J. Levine, J.A. Miller, P. Shapshak, B. Gelman, E.J. Singer, C.H. Hinkin, D. Commins, S. Morgello, I. Grant, S. Horvath 02/2013 Journal Article
Transcriptome analysis of HIV-infected peripheral blood monocytes: gene transcripts and networks associated with neurocognitive functioning A.J. Levine, S. Horvath, E.N. Miller, E.J. Singer, P. Shapshak, G.C. Baldwin, O. Martínez-Maza, M.D. Witt, P. Langfelder 12/2013 Journal Article
Lyophilized brain tumor specimens can be used for histologic, nucleic acid, and protein analyses after 1 year of room temperature storage S. Mareninov, J. De Jesus, D.E. Sanchez, A.B. Kay, R.W. Wilson, I. Babic, W. Chen, D. Telesca, J.J. Lou, L. Mirsadraei, T.P. Gardener, N. Khanlou, H.V. Vinters, B.B. Shafa, A. Lai, L.M. Liau, P.S. Mischel, T.F. Cloughesy, W.H. Yong 07/2013 Journal Article
Book Chapter
Title Authors Date Published
Neurocognition and Medication Adherence in HIV-Infected Adults P.A. Hall Book Chapter
Conference Paper
Title Authors Date Published
HIV-1 Infection in the CNS in Post-cART Era: Impact of Infection on Serotonergic Status in Different Regions of Post Mortem Brain. A. Kumar, R.L. Ownby, J.B. Fernandez, E.J. Singer, M. Fonseca, M. Kumar 10/2013 Conference Paper