Journal Article
Title Authors Date Published
Neuroinflammation-Induced Interactions between Protease-Activated Receptor 1 and Proprotein Convertases in HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder. W.J. Kim, E. Zekas, R. Lodge, D. Susan-Resiga, E. Marcinkiewicz, R. Essalmani, K. Mihara, R. Ramachandran, E. Asahchop, B. Gelman, É.A. Cohen, C. Power, M.D. Hollenberg, N.G. Seidah 2015 Nov Journal Article
Dopamine Increases CD14+CD16+ Monocyte Migration and Adhesion in the Context of Substance Abuse and HIV Neuropathogenesis J.S. Coley, T.M. Calderon, P.J. Gaskill, E.A. Eugenin, J.W. Berman 2015/02/03 Journal Article
E2F1 in neurons is cleaved by calpain in an NMDA receptor-dependent manner in a model of HIV-induced neurotoxicity. J.W. Zyskind, Y. Wang, G. Cho, J.H. Ting, D.L. Kolson, D.R. Lynch, K.L. Jordan-Sciutto 2015 Mar Journal Article
Insulin-like growth factors and related proteins in plasma and cerebrospinal fluids of HIV-positive individuals. H.S. Suh, Y. Lo, N. Choi, S. Letendre, S.C. Lee 2015 Apr 15 Journal Article
Absence of neurocognitive effect of hepatitis C infection in HIV-coinfected people. D.B. Clifford, F. Vaida, Yting Kao, D. Franklin, S. Letendre, A.C. Collier, C.M. Marra, B. Gelman, J.C. McArthur, S. Morgello, D.M. Simpson, I. Grant, R.K. Heaton 2015 Jan 20 Journal Article
Psychometric validation of the BDI-II among HIV-positive CHARTER study participants. A.L. Hobkirk, A.J. Starosta, J.A. De Leo, C.M. Marra, R.K. Heaton, M. Earleywine 2015 Jun Journal Article
Abdominal obesity contributes to neurocognitive impairment in HIV-infected patients with increased inflammation and immune activation. F.R. Sattler, J. He, S. Letendre, C. Wilson, C. Sanders, R. Heaton, R. Ellis, D. Franklin, G. Aldrovandi, C.M. Marra, D. Clifford, S. Morgello, I. Grant, A. McCutchan 2015 Mar 01 Journal Article
Predictors of new-onset distal neuropathic pain in HIV-infected individuals in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy. J. Malvar, F. Vaida, C.Fitzsimons Sanders, H. Atkinson, W. Bohannon, J. Keltner, J. Robinson-Papp, D.M. Simpson, C.M. Marra, D.B. Clifford, B. Gelman, J. Fan, I. Grant, R.J. Ellis 2015 Apr Journal Article
Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups and Neurocognitive Impairment During HIV Infection. T. Hulgan, D.C. Samuels, W. Bush, R.J. Ellis, S.L. Letendre, R.K. Heaton, D.R. Franklin, P. Straub, D.G. Murdock, D.B. Clifford, A.C. Collier, B.B. Gelman, C.M. Marra, J.C. McArthur, A. McCutchan, S. Morgello, D.M. Simpson, I. Grant, A.R. Kallianpur 2015 Nov 01 Journal Article
Neurocognitive change in the era of HIV combination antiretroviral therapy: the longitudinal CHARTER study. R.K. Heaton, D.R. Franklin, R. Deutsch, S. Letendre, R.J. Ellis, K. Casaletto, M.J. Marquine, S.P. Woods, F. Vaida, H. Atkinson, T.D. Marcotte, A. McCutchan, A.C. Collier, C.M. Marra, D.B. Clifford, B.B. Gelman, N. Sacktor, S. Morgello, D.M. Simpson, I. Abramson, A.C. Gamst, C. Fennema-Notestine, D.M. Smith, I. Grant 2015 Feb 01 Journal Article
CSF biomarkers of monocyte activation and chemotaxis correlate with magnetic resonance spectroscopy metabolites during chronic HIV disease. A.M. Anderson, C. Fennema-Notestine, A. Umlauf, M.J. Taylor, D.B. Clifford, C.M. Marra, A.C. Collier, B.B. Gelman, J.C. McArthur, A. McCutchan, D.M. Simpson, S. Morgello, I. Grant, S.L. Letendre 2015 Oct Journal Article
HIV-1-Tat Protein Inhibits SC35-mediated Tau Exon 10 Inclusion through Up-regulation of DYRK1A Kinase. F. Kadri, M. Pacifici, A. Wilk, A. Parker-Struckhoff, L. Del Valle, K.F. Hauser, P.E. Knapp, C. Parsons, D. Jeansonne, A. Lassak, F. Peruzzi 2015 Dec 25 Journal Article
Socioeconomic Status and Neuropsychological Functioning: Associations in an Ethnically Diverse HIV+ Cohort. A. Arentoft, D. Byrd, J. Monzones, K. Coulehan, A. Fuentes, A. Rosario, C. Miranda, S. Morgello, M.Rivera Mindt 2015 Journal Article
Challenges in Health Research Funding: an opinion. P. Shapshak 2015 Journal Article
Impaired neurogenesis by HIV-1-Gp120 is rescued by genetic deletion of fatty acid amide hydrolase enzyme. H.K. Avraham, S. Jiang, Y. Fu, E. Rockenstein, A. Makriyannis, J. Wood, L. Wang, E. Masliah, S. Avraham 2015 Oct Journal Article
Phenotypic Correlates of HIV-1 Macrophage Tropism. K.T. Arrildt, C.C. LaBranche, S.B. Joseph, E.N. Dukhovlinova, W.D. Graham, L.H. Ping, G. Schnell, C.B. Sturdevant, L.P. Kincer, M. Mallewa, R.S. Heyderman, A. Van Rie, M.S. Cohen, S. Spudich, R.W. Price, D.C. Montefiori, R. Swanstrom 2015 Nov Journal Article
Reading Ability as an Estimator of Premorbid Intelligence: Does It Remain Stable Among Ethnically Diverse HIV+ Adults? J.P. Olsen, R.P. Fellows, M. Rivera-Mindt, S. Morgello, D.A. Byrd 2015 Journal Article
Psychological trauma exposure and co-morbid psychopathologies in HIV+Men and Women. R.P. Fellows, N.A. Spahr, D.A. Byrd, M.Rivera Mindt, S. Morgello 2015 Dec 30 Journal Article
Neuronal ferritin heavy chain and drug abuse impact HIV-associated cognitive dysfunction J. Pitcher, A. Abt, J. Myers, R. Han, M. Snyder, A. Graziano, L. Festa, M. Kutzler, F. Garcia, W.J. Gao, T. Fischer-Smith, J. Rappaport, O. Meucci 02/2014 Journal Article
Altered subcellular localization of the NeuN/Rbfox3 RNA splicing factor in HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) C.H. Lucas, M. Calvez, R. Babu, A. Brown 11/2013 Journal Article