Conference Paper
Title Authors Date Published
HIV -1 in the CNS in Post-cART era: Impact of Infection on Serotonin Status in Different Regions of Post Mortem Human Brain. A. Kumar, R.L. Ownby, J.B. Fernandez, M. Valdes-Sueiras, M. Kumar Conference Paper
Increased Cystatin B and Cathepsin B in Monocytes and Post-mortem Brain Tissue in HIV-1 Associated Neurological Disorders: Key Link for Neuropathogenesis. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections Y. Cantres-Rosario, M. Plaud-Valentin, Y. Gerena, V. Wojna, E. Rodriguez, R.L. Skolasky, L.M. Meléndez Conference Paper
Journal Article
Title Authors Date Published
A concise panel of biomarkers identifies neurocognitive functioning changes in HIV-infected individuals. T.D. Marcotte, R. Deutsch, B.Daniel Michael, D. Franklin, D.Rosario Cookson, A.R. Bharti, I. Grant, S. Letendre 2013 Dec Journal Article
Global NeuroAIDS roundtable. J. Joseph, C. Achim, M.J. Boivin, B.J. Brew, D.B. Clifford, D.A. Colosi, R.J. Ellis, R.K. Heaton, A. Gallo-Diop, I. Grant, G.D. Kanmogne, M. Kumar, S. Letendre, T.D. Marcotte, A. Nath, C. Pardo, R.H. Paul, L. Pulliam, K. Robertson, W. Royal, N. Sacktor, P. Sithinamsuwan, D.M. Smith, V. Valcour, B. Wigdahl, C. Wood 2013 Feb Journal Article
Whole transcriptome sequencing enables discovery and analysis of viruses in archived primary central nervous system lymphomas. C. DeBoever, E.G. Reid, E.N. Smith, X. Wang, W. Dumaop, O. Harismendy, D. Carson, D. Richman, E. Masliah, K.A. Frazer 2013 Journal Article
Modulation of BK channel by MicroRNA-9 in neurons after exposure to HIV and methamphetamine. E.T. Tatro, S. Hefler, S. Shumaker-Armstrong, B. Soontornniyomkij, M. Yang, A. Yermanos, N. Wren, D. Moore, C. Achim 2013 Dec Journal Article
A lipid storage-like disorder contributes to cognitive decline in HIV-infected subjects. V.Venkata Ra Bandaru, M.M. Mielke, N. Sacktor, J.C. McArthur, I. Grant, S. Letendre, L. Chang, V. Wojna, C. Pardo, P. Calabresi, S. Munsaka, N.J. Haughey 2013 Oct 22 Journal Article
Molecular and pathologic insights from latent HIV-1 infection in the human brain. P. Desplats, W. Dumaop, D.M. Smith, A. Adame, I. Everall, S. Letendre, R.J. Ellis, M. Cherner, I. Grant, E. Masliah 2013 Apr 9 Journal Article
Disrupted cerebral metabolite levels and lower nadir CD4 + counts are linked to brain volume deficits in 210 HIV-infected patients on stable treatment. X. Hua, C.P. Boyle, J. Harezlak, D.F. Tate, C.T. Yiannoutsos, R. Cohen, G. Schifitto, A. Gongvatana, J. Zhong, T. Zhu, M.J. Taylor, T.B. Campbell, E.S. Daar, J.R. Alger, E.J. Singer, S. Buchthal, A.W. Toga, B.A. Navia, P.M. Thompson 2013 Journal Article
Bioinformation editorial erratum. P. Shapshak 2013 Journal Article
Molecule of the month: miRNA and proteins in Alzheimer's disease. P. Shapshak 2013 Journal Article
Nonmuscle myosin light-chain kinase mediates microglial migration induced by HIV Tat: involvement of β1 integrins. H. Yao, M. Duan, L. Yang, S. Buch 2013 Apr Journal Article
HIV gp120 induces mucus formation in human bronchial epithelial cells through CXCR4/α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. S. Gundavarapu, N.C. Mishra, S.P. Singh, R.J. Langley, A.Imran Saeed, C.A. Feghali-Bostwick, M. McIntosh, J. Hutt, R. Hegde, S. Buch, M.L. Sopori 2013 Journal Article
Anti-viral and anti-inflammatory mechanisms of the innate immune transcription factor interferon regulatory factor 3: relevance to human CNS diseases L. Tarassishin, A. Bauman, H.S. Suh, S.C. Lee 03/2013 Journal Article
Insulin-like growth factor 1 and 2 (IGF1, IGF2) expression in human microglia: differential regulation by inflammatory mediators H.S. Suh, M.L. Zhao, L. Derico, N. Choi, S.C. Lee 03/2013 Journal Article
Increases in brain white matter abnormalities and subcortical gray matter are linked to CD4 recovery in HIV infection. C. Fennema-Notestine, R.J. Ellis, S.L. Archibald, T.L. Jernigan, S. Letendre, R.J. Notestine, M.J. Taylor, R.J. Theilmann, M.D. Julaton, D. Croteau, T. Wolfson, R.K. Heaton, A. Gamst, D. Franklin, D.B. Clifford, A.C. Collier, B. Gelman, C. Marra, J.C. McArthur, J.A. McCutchan, S. Morgello, D.M. Simpson, I. Grant 2013 Aug Journal Article
Neurocognitive impairment in HIV-infected individuals with previous syphilis. C.M. Marra, R. Deutsch, A.C. Collier, S. Morgello, S. Letendre, D.B. Clifford, B. Gelman, J.C. McArthur, J.A. McCutchan, D.M. Simpson, N.A. Duarte, R.K. Heaton, I. Grant 2013 May Journal Article
Etravirine in CSF is highly protein bound. A. Nguyen, S. Rossi, D. Croteau, B.M. Best, D.B. Clifford, A.C. Collier, B. Gelman, C. Marra, J.C. McArthur, J.A. McCutchan, S. Morgello, D.M. Simpson, R.J. Ellis, I. Grant, E. Capparelli, S. Letendre 2013 May Journal Article
Concurrent classification accuracy of the HIV dementia scale for HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders in the CHARTER Cohort. M. Sakamoto, T.D. Marcotte, A. Umlauf, D. Franklin, R.K. Heaton, R.J. Ellis, S. Letendre, T. Alexander, J.A. McCutchan, E.E. Morgan, S.Paul Woods, A.C. Collier, C.M. Marra, D.B. Clifford, B. Gelman, J.C. McArthur, S. Morgello, D.M. Simpson, I. Grant 2013 Jan 01 Journal Article
Apolipoprotein E4 genotype does not increase risk of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. E.E. Morgan, S.Paul Woods, S. Letendre, D. Franklin, C. Bloss, A. Goate, R.K. Heaton, A.C. Collier, C.M. Marra, B. Gelman, J.C. McArthur, S. Morgello, D.M. Simpson, J.A. McCutchan, R.J. Ellis, I. Abramson, A. Gamst, C. Fennema-Notestine, D.M. Smith, I. Grant, F. Vaida, D.B. Clifford 2013 Apr Journal Article