Journal Article
Title Authors Date Published
Depression, cognition, and self-appraisal of functional ability in HIV: An examination of subjective appraisal versus objective performance A.D. Thames, B. Becker, T.D. Marcotte, L.J. Hines, J.M. Foley, A. Ramezani, E.J. Singer, R.K. Heaton, S.A. Castellon, C.H. Hinkin Journal Article
Demographically Corrected Norms for African Americans and Caucasians on the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised, Brief Visuospatial Memory Test-Revised, Stroop Color and Word Test, and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test 64-Card Version M.A. Norman, D. Moore, M.J. Taylor, D. Franklin, L. Cysique, C. Ake, D. Lazarretto, F. Vaida, R.K. Heaton, HNRC Journal Article
Editorial NeuroAIDS Review P. Shapshak, P. Kangueane, R.K. Fujimura, D. Commins, S.E. Chiappelli, A.J. Levine, A. Minagar, F.J. Novembre, C. Somboonwit, A. Nath, J.T. Sinnott Journal Article
Gene-chromosome locations of neuropsychiatric diseases P. Shapshak, C. Somboonwit, J.T. Sinnott, D. Commins, E.J. Singer, A.J. Levine Journal Article
HIV-1 envelope accessible surface and polarity: clade, blood, and brain G. Sowmya, G. Shamini, S. Anita, M.K. Sakharkar, V. Mathura, H. Rodriguez, A.J. Levine, E.J. Singer, S.C. Commins, J.T. Sinnott, H.S. Sidhu, G. Rajaseger, P.N. Pushparaj, P. Kangueane, P. Shapshak Journal Article
Neurokinin-1 Receptor: Functional Significance in the Immune System in Reference to Selected Infections and Inflammation S.D. Douglas, S.E. Leeman 01/2011 Journal Article
Significant Effects of Antiretroviral Therapy on Global Gene Expression in Brain Tissues of Patients with HIV-1-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders A. Borjabad, S. Morgello, W. Chao, S.Y. Kim, A.I. Brooks, J. Murray, M.J. Potash, D.J. Volsky 09/2011 Journal Article
Neuronal PINCH is regulated by TNF-α and is required for neurite extension A. Jatiani, P. Pannizzo, E. Gualco, L. Del-Valle, D. Langford 09/11 Journal Article
Osteopontin enhances HIV replication and is increased in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid of HIV-infected individuals A. Brown, T. Islam, R. Adams, S. Nerle, M. Kamara, C. Eger, K. Marder, B.A. Cohen, G. Schifitto, J.C. McArthur, N. Sacktor, C. Pardo 08/2011 Journal Article
Contributions of HIV infection in the hypothalamus and substance abuse/use to HPT dysregulation D. Langford, D. Baron, J. Joy, L. Del-Valle, J. Shack 06/2011 Journal Article
Site-specific hyperphosphorylation of pRb in HIV-induced neurotoxicity C. Akay, K.A. Lindl, Y. Wang, M.G. White, J. Isaacman-Beck, D.L. Kolson, K.L. Jordan-Sciutto 06/2011 Journal Article
CXCR7 protein expression in human adult brain and differentiated neurons S. Shimizu, M.S. Brown, R. Sengupta, M.E. Penfold, O. Meucci 05/2011 Journal Article
Autophagy is increased in postmortem brains of persons with HIV-1-associated encephalitis D. Zhou, E. Masliah, S.A. Spector Journal Article
CCAAT/enhancer binding protein β expression is increased in the brain during HIV-1-infection and contributes to regulation of astrocyte tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 J. Fields, J. Gardner-Mercer, K. Borgmann, I. Clark, A. Ghorpade 07/2011 Journal Article
Cognitive reserve masks the neurobehavioral expression of HIV neurological disorder in older adults A.D. Thames, J.M. Foley, S.E. Panos, E.J. Singer, C.H. Hinkin Journal Article
Conference Paper
Title Authors Date Published
Dysfunctional regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 infected brains M.;M.M.M.;M.I. Bachis Conference Paper
HIV and Aging: The interactive effects of aging and cocaine use on neurocognition S.E. Panos, L. Perry, T. Lo, L.J. Hines, A. Ramezani, A.D. Thames, B. Becker, S.A. Castellon, C.H. Hinkin Conference Paper
Increased levels of ferritin heavy chain protein in the cortical neurons of patients with a history of drug abuse J. Pitcher, S. Shimizu, S. Burbassi, O. Meucci Conference Paper
Oxidative stress related post-translational modifications in HIV infected postmortem brain tissue L. Uzasci, A. Nath, R.L. Cotter Conference Paper
Longitudinal Changes in Medication Adherence among HIV-infected adults: A Hierarchical Linear Modeling Approach A.D. Thames, S.E. Panos, A.C. Del Re, B. Shembari, A.J. Levine, S.A. Castellon, C.H. Hinkin 06/10/2011 Conference Paper