Journal Article
Title Authors Date Published
Accelerated epigenetic aging in brain is associated with pre-mortem HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. A.J. Levine, A. Quach, D.J. Moore, C.L. Achim, V. Soontornniyomkij, E. Masliah, E.J. Singer, B. Gelman, N. Nemanim, S. Horvath 2016 06 Journal Article
Multilevel analysis of neuropathogenesis of neurocognitive impairment in HIV. A.J. Levine, V. Soontornniyomkij, C.L. Achim, E. Masliah, B.B. Gelman, J.S. Sinsheimer, E.J. Singer, D.J. Moore 2016 08 Journal Article
Human polyomavirus receptor distribution in brain parenchyma contrasts with receptor distribution in kidney and choroid plexus. S.A. Haley, B.A. O'Hara, C.D.S. Nelson, F.L.P. Brittingham, K.J. Henriksen, E.G. Stopa, W.J. Atwood 2015 Aug Journal Article
Multilevel analysis of neuropathogenesis of neurocognitive impairment in HIV. Journal of NeuroVirology. A.J. Levine, V. Soontornniyomkij, C. Achim, E. Masliah, B. Gelman, J.S. Sinsheimer, E.J. Singer, D. Moore Journal Article
HIV-1 Infection Accelerates Age According to the Epigenetic Clock. S. Horvath, A.J. Levine 2015 Nov 15 Journal Article
The role of chemokine C-C motif ligand 2 genotype and cerebrospinal fluid chemokine C-C motif ligand 2 in neurocognition among HIV-infected patients. A.D. Thames, M.S. Briones, L.I. Magpantay, O. Martinez-Maza, E.J. Singer, C.H. Hinkin, S. Morgello, B.B. Gelman, D.J. Moore, K. Heizerling, A.J. Levine 2015 Jul 31 Journal Article
Factors related to HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment differ with age. G.B. Fogel, S.L. Lamers, A.J. Levine, M. Valdes-Sueiras, M.S. McGrath, P. Shapshak, E.J. Singer 2015 Feb Journal Article
Accelerated epigenetic aging in brain is associated with pre-mortem HAND A.J. Levine, A. Quach, D. Moore, C. Achim, V. Soontornniyomkij, E. Masliah, E.J. Singer, B. Gelman, N. Nemanim, S. Horvath Journal Article
Lack of Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I Upregulation and Restrictive Infection by JC Virus Hamper Detection of Neurons by T Lymphocytes in the Central Nervous System. C. Wüthrich, S. Batson, I.J. Koralnik 2015 Aug Journal Article
Altered Monoamine and Acylcarnitine Metabolites in HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative Subjects With Depression. E. Cassol, V. Misra, S. Morgello, G.D. Kirk, S.H. Mehta, D. Gabuzda 2015 May 01 Journal Article
Optimizing measures of HIV-associated neuropathy. J.S. Robinson-Papp, S. Sharma, N. Dhadwal, D.M. Simpson, S. Morgello 2015 Jan Journal Article
JAM-A and ALCAM are therapeutic targets to inhibit diapedesis across the BBB of CD14+CD16+ monocytes in HIV-infected individuals. D.W. Williams, K. Anastos, S. Morgello, J.W. Berman 2015 Feb Journal Article
Plasma and Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers Predict Cerebral Injury in HIV-Infected Individuals on Stable Combination Antiretroviral Therapy. A.M. Anderson, J. Harezlak, A. Bharti, D. Mi, M.J. Taylor, E.S. Daar, G. Schifitto, J. Zhong, J.R. Alger, M.S. Brown, E.J. Singer, T.B. Campbell, D.D. McMahon, S. Buchthal, R. Cohen, C. Yiannoutsos, S.L. Letendre, B.A. Navia 2015 May 01 Journal Article
Neuroimaging abnormalities, neurocognitive function, and fatigue in patients with hepatitis C. A.D. Thames, S.A. Castellon, E.J. Singer, R. Nagarajan, M.K. Sarma, J. Smith, N.S. Thaler, J.Hien Truong, D. Schonfeld, A. Thomas, C.H. Hinkin 2015 Feb Journal Article
Psychological trauma exposure and co-morbid psychopathologies in HIV+ men and women. R.P. Fellows, N.A. Spahr, D. Byrd, M. Rivera-Mindt, S. Morgello Journal Article
Reading ability as an estimator of premorbid intelligence: Does it remain stable among ethnically diverse HIV+ adults? J. Olsen, R.P. Fellows, M. Rivera-Mindt, S. Morgello, D. Byrd Journal Article
HIV-infected microglia mediate cathepsin B-induced neurotoxicity. F. Zenón, Y. Cantres-Rosario, R. Adiga, M. Gonzalez, E. Rodriguez-Franco, D. Langford, L.M. Meléndez 2015 Oct Journal Article
Brain arterial remodeling contribution to nonembolic brain infarcts in patients with HIV. J. Gutierrez, J. Goldman, A.J. Dwork, M.S.V. Elkind, R.S. Marshall, S. Morgello 2015 Sep 29 Journal Article
A pathological perspective on the natural history of cerebral atherosclerosis. J. Gutierrez, M.S.V. Elkind, R. Virmani, J.E. Goldman, L. Honig, S. Morgello, R.S. Marshall 2015 Oct Journal Article
HIV-1 Tat alters neuronal autophagy by modulating autophagosome fusion to the lysosome: implications for HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. J. Fields, W. Dumaop, S. Eleuteri, S. Elueteri, S. Campos, E. Serger, M. Trejo, K. Kosberg, A. Adame, B. Spencer, E. Rockenstein, J.J. He, E. Masliah 2015 Feb 04 Journal Article