The Data Coordinating Center (DCC) is responsible for:

  1. Providing management and database capabilities to support he clinical and brain banking operations as well as scientific expertise in biostatistics ,HIV epidemiology, and bioinformatics that will support a broad range of analyses for both internal and external researchers.
  2. Serving as the primary point of contact for users of the NNTC resources including biospecimens and clinical/research derived data . Also enhancing the collaborations between the NNTC and other HIV/AIDS researchers.

The responsibilities and operations of the Data Coordinating Center are split between two collaborating entities: The Emmes Company (Rockville, MD), who have served as the DCC since 2002, and University of Nebraska Medical Center.

The DCC manages data/tissue request applications, provide data management of the core clinical database, and serves as the information conduit with the public. The center is also charged with development and deployment of a bioinformatics platform to capture, integrate, and share research results with the scientific community. Analysis efforts are also supported by the DCC to present novel and unique findings to the NeuroAIDS community to help encourage increased use of the consortium’s resources.