Conference Paper
Title Authors Date Published
Plasma and Cerebrospinal Fluid Profiling for HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders G. Pottiez, J. Wiederin, R. Donahoe, H.S. Fox, H.E. Gendelman, P. Ciborowski Conference Paper
Role of FHC in neuroAIDS: a systematic in vivo analysis of a novel CXCR4 regulator within the human cortex J. Pitcher, S. Shimizu, S. Burbassi, R. Sengupta, O. Meucci Conference Paper
Gray matter atrophy among older adults with HIV: The effects of age and disease status A.D. Thames, S. Iriana, S.E. Panos, J.M. Foley, E.J. Singer, S. El-Saden, C.H. Hinkin Conference Paper
Identification of nitrotyrosine-containing proteins in cerebrospinal fluid and postmortem brain tissue. L. Uzasci, A. Beasley, A. Nath, R.L. Cotter Conference Paper
Journal Article
Title Authors Date Published
Disruption of neuronal CXCR4 function by opioids: preliminary evidence of Ferritin Heavy Chain as potential etiological agent in neuroAIDS J. Pitcher, S. Shimizu, S. Burbassi, O. Meucci 07/2010 Journal Article
Expression and function of the chemokine, CSCL13, and its receptor, CXCR5, in Aids-associated non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma D.P. Widney, D. Gui, L.M. Popoviciu, J.W. Said, E.C. Nreen, X. Huang, C.M.R. Kitchen, J.M. Alcantar, J. Smith, R. Detels, O. Martínez-Maza Journal Article
IL-17A is increased in the serum and in spinal cord CD8 and mast cells of ALS patients M. Fiala, M. Chattopadhay, A. La Cava, E. Tse, G. Liu, E. Lourenco, A. Eskin, P.T. Liu, L.I. Magpantay, S. Tse, M. Mahanian, R. Weitzman, J. Tong, C. Nguyen, T. Cho, P. Koo, J.W. Sayre, O. Martínez-Maza, M.J. Rosenthal, M. Wiedau-Pazos Journal Article
Immunoreactivity of anti-gelsolin antibodies: implications for biomarker validation N. Haverland, G. Pottiez, J. Wiederin, P. Ciborowski Journal Article
Mass spectrometric characterization of gelsolin isoforms G. Pottiez, N. Haverland, P. Ciborowski Journal Article
Medication and finance management among individuals with HIV-infection: The influence of age and cognition A.D. Thames, M.S. Kim, B. Becker, J.M. Foley, L.J. Hines, E.J. Singer, R.K. Heaton, S.A. Castellon, C.H. Hinkin Journal Article
MicroRNA-21 dysregulates the expression of MEF2C in neurons in monkey and human SIV/HIV neurological disease S.V. Yelamanchili, A.D. Chaudhuri, L.N. Chen, H. Xiong, H.S. Fox 2010 Journal Article
PrPC, the Cellular Isoform of the Human Prion Protein, Is a Novel Biomarker of HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Impairment and Mediates Neuroinflammation T.K. Roberts, E.A. Eugenin, S. Morgello, J.E. Clements, C. Zink, J.W. Berman 2010 Journal Article
Primary effusion lymphoma: genomic profiling revealed amplification of SELPLG and CORO1C encoding for proteins important for cell migration S.L. Luan, E. Boulanger, H. Ye, E. Chanudet, N. Johnson, R.A. Hamoudi, C.M. Bacon, H. Liu, Y. Huang, J.W. Said, P. Chu, C.S. Clemen, E. Cesarman, A. Chadburn, P.G. Isaacson, M.Q. Du 2010 Journal Article
Synaptic Proteins Linked to HIV-1 Infection and Immunoproteasome Induction: Proteomic Analysis of Human Synaptosomes B. Gelman, T.P. Nguyen 2010 Journal Article
Serological markers for inflammatory bowel disease in AIDS patients with evidence of microbial translocation A. Kamat, P. Ancuta, R.S. Blumberg, D. Gabuzda 2010 Journal Article
Tissue-specific DNA methylation of the human prodynorphin gene in post-mortem brain tissues and PBMCs V. Yuferov, D.A. Nielsen, O. Levran, M. Randesi, S. Hamon, A. Ho, S. Morgello, M.J. Kreek 2010 Journal Article
E2F1 localizes predominantly to neuronal cytoplasm and fails to induce expression of its transcriptional targets in human immunodeficiency virus-induced neuronal damage Y. Wang, N. Shyam, J.H. Ting, C. Akay, K.A. Lindl, K.L. Jordan-Sciutto 07/2010 Journal Article
Book Chapter
Title Authors Date Published
Homeostatic role of chemokines in the central nervous system: CXCL12 effects on developing and mature neurons J. Nicolai, O. Meucci Book Chapter
Management of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome-Related Lymphoma A.J. Levine, J.W. Said, N.L. Harris, R. Dalla-Favera Book Chapter
Metabolomics and Proteomics G. Pottiez, J. Wiederin, P. Ciborowski Book Chapter