Journal Article
Title Authors Date Published
HIV infection and latency induce a unique metabolic signature in human macrophages. P. Castellano, L. Prevedel, S. Valdebenito, E.A. Eugenin 2019 03 08 Journal Article
Age of Last Alcohol Use Disorder Relates to Processing Speed Among Older Adults Living with HIV. E.W. Paolillo, S.M. Inkelis, A. Heaton, R. Saloner, R.C. Moore, D.J. Moore 2019 Mar 01 Journal Article
Neurocognitive SuperAging in Older Adults Living With HIV: Demographic, Neuromedical and Everyday Functioning Correlates. R. Saloner, L.M. Campbell, V. Serrano, J.L. Montoya, E. Pasipanodya, E.W. Paolillo, D. Franklin, R.J. Ellis, S.L. Letendre, A.C. Collier, D.B. Clifford, B.B. Gelman, C.M. Marra, A. McCutchan, S. Morgello, N. Sacktor, D.V. Jeste, I. Grant, R.K. Heaton, D.J. Moore 2019 05 Journal Article
Associations of regional amyloid-β plaque and phospho-tau pathology with biological factors and neuropsychological functioning among HIV-infected adults. V. Soontornniyomkij, D.J. Moore, B. Gouaux, B. Soontornniyomkij, J.S. Sinsheimer, A.J. Levine 2019 12 Journal Article
OAS Gene Family Expression Is Associated with HIV-Related Neurocognitive Disorders. C. Sanfilippo, M.R. Pinzone, D. Cambria, A. Longo, M. Palumbo, R. Di Marco, F. Condorelli, G. Nunnari, L. Malaguarnera, M. Di Rosa 2018 03 Journal Article
The Use of Visual Rating Scales to Quantify Brain MRI Lesions in Patients with HIV Infection. J. Robinson-Papp, A. Navis, M.S. Dhamoon, U.S. Clark, J. Gutierrez-Contreras, S. Morgello 2018 03 Journal Article
Expression profiling suggests microglial impairment in human immunodeficiency virus neuropathogenesis. S.D. Ginsberg, M.J. Alldred, S.M. Gunnam, C. Schiroli, S.Han Lee, S. Morgello, T. Fischer 2018 02 Journal Article
No reliable gene expression biomarkers of current or impending neurocognitive impairment in peripheral blood monocytes of persons living with HIV. A. Quach, S. Horvath, N. Nemanim, D. Vatakis, M.D. Witt, E.N. Miller, R. Detels, P. Langfelder, P. Shapshak, E.J. Singer, A.J. Levine 2018 06 Journal Article
The Spleen Is an HIV-1 Sanctuary During Combined Antiretroviral Therapy. D.J. Nolan, R. Rose, P.H. Rodriguez, M. Salemi, E.J. Singer, S.L. Lamers, M.S. McGrath 2018 01 Journal Article
Brain-specific HIV Nef identified in multiple patients with neurological disease. S.L. Lamers, G.B. Fogel, E.S. Liu, A.E. Barbier, C.W. Rodriguez, E.J. Singer, D.J. Nolan, R. Rose, M.S. McGrath 2018 02 Journal Article
Eradication of HIV from Tissue Reservoirs: Challenges for the Cure. R. Rose, D.J. Nolan, E. Maidji, C.A. Stoddart, E.J. Singer, S.L. Lamers, M.S. McGrath 2018 01 Journal Article
Higher Anti-Cytomegalovirus Immunoglobulin G Concentrations Are Associated With Worse Neurocognitive Performance During Suppressive Antiretroviral Therapy. S. Letendre, A. Bharti, I. Perez-Valero, B. Hanson, D. Franklin, S.Paul Woods, S. Gianella, M.Faria de Oliveira, R.K. Heaton, I. Grant, A.L. Landay, N. Lurain 2018 08 16 Journal Article
Exosome markers associated with immune activation and oxidative stress in HIV patients on antiretroviral therapy. S. Chettimada, D.R. Lorenz, V. Misra, S.T. Dillon, K. Reeves, C. Manickam, S. Morgello, G.D. Kirk, S.H. Mehta, D. Gabuzda 2018 05 08 Journal Article
Combined gene expression analysis in HIV Associated Dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease- An in-silico approach S. Dokhale, Y. Shah, P. Naveen Journal Article
BACE1 Mediates HIV-Associated and Excitotoxic Neuronal Damage Through an APP-Dependent Mechanism. A.L. Stern, S. Ghura, P.J. Gannon, C. Akay-Espinoza, J.M. Phan, A.C. Yee, R. Vassar, B.B. Gelman, D.L. Kolson, K.L. Jordan-Sciutto 2018 05 02 Journal Article
Impact of Antiretroviral Regimens on Cerebrospinal Fluid Viral Escape in a Prospective Multicohort Study of Antiretroviral Therapy-Experienced Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1-Infected Adults in the United States. S.S. Mukerji, V. Misra, D.R. Lorenz, H. Uno, S. Morgello, D. Franklin, R.J. Ellis, S. Letendre, D. Gabuzda 2018 09 28 Journal Article
Heme oxygenase-1 promoter region (GT)n polymorphism associates with increased neuroimmune activation and risk for encephalitis in HIV infection. A.J. Gill, R. Garza, S.S. Ambegaokar, B.B. Gelman, D.L. Kolson 2018 Mar 06 Journal Article
Exosomal miR-9 Released from HIV Tat Stimulated Astrocytes Mediates Microglial Migration. L. Yang, F. Niu, H. Yao, K. Liao, X. Chen, Y. Kook, R. Ma, G. Hu, S. Buch 2018 09 Journal Article
Semaphorin4A and H-ferritin utilize Tim-1 on human oligodendrocytes: A novel neuro-immune axis. B. Chiou, E. Lucassen, M. Sather, A. Kallianpur, J. Connor 2018 07 Journal Article
Title Authors Date Published
Inflammation-Related Genes are Associated with Accelerated Aging in HIV E. Sundermann, A.J. Levine, S. Horvath, D. Moore Poster