Journal Article
Title Authors Date Published
A composite of multisystem injury and neurocognitive impairment in HIV infection: association with everyday functioning. M.J. Marquine, I. Flores, R. Kamat, N. Johnson, A. Umlauf, S. Letendre, D. Jeste, I. Grant, D. Moore, R.K. Heaton 2018 10 Journal Article
Neurocognitive functioning predicts frailty index in HIV. H. Oppenheim, E.W. Paolillo, R.C. Moore, R.J. Ellis, S.L. Letendre, D.V. Jeste, I. Grant, D.J. Moore 2018 07 10 Journal Article
Vagal dysfunction and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth: novel pathways to chronic inflammation in HIV. J. Robinson-Papp, A. Nmashie, E. Pedowitz, E.K.T. Benn, M.Catherine George, S. Sharma, J. Murray, J. Machac, S. Heiba, S. Mehandru, S. Kim-Schulze, A. Navis, I. Elicer, S. Morgello 2018 06 01 Journal Article
Association of antiretroviral therapy with brain aging changes among HIV-infected adults. V. Soontornniyomkij, A. Umlauf, B. Soontornniyomkij, B. Gouaux, R.J. Ellis, A.J. Levine, D.J. Moore, S.L. Letendre 2018 09 10 Journal Article
MMPs/TIMPs imbalances in the peripheral blood and cerebrospinal fluid are associated with the pathogenesis of HIV-1-associated neurocognitive disorders. Y. Xing, N. Shepherd, J. Lan, W. Li, S. Rane, S.K. Gupta, S. Zhang, J. Dong, Q. Yu 2017 Oct Journal Article
Temporal Patterns and Drug Resistance in CSF Viral Escape Among ART-Experienced HIV-1 Infected Adults. S.S. Mukerji, V. Misra, D. Lorenz, A.M. Cervantes-Arslanian, J. Lyons, S. Chalkias, A. Wurcel, D. Burke, N. Venna, S. Morgello, I.J. Koralnik, D. Gabuzda 2017 06 01 Journal Article
Degradation of heme oxygenase-1 by the immunoproteasome in astrocytes: A potential interferon-γ-dependent mechanism contributing to HIV neuropathogenesis. C.E. Kovacsics, A.J. Gill, S.S. Ambegaokar, B.B. Gelman, D.L. Kolson 2017 08 Journal Article
Brain and liver pathology, amyloid deposition, and interferon responses among older HIV-positive patients in the late HAART era. I.H. Solomon, U. De Girolami, S. Chettimada, V. Misra, E.J. Singer, D. Gabuzda 2017 02 17 Journal Article
Plasma soluble CD163 is associated with postmortem brain pathology in human immunodeficiency virus infection. A.K. Bryant, D.J. Moore, T.H. Burdo, J.R. Lakritz, B. Gouaux, V. Soontornniyomkij, C.L. Achim, E. Masliah, I. Grant, A.J. Levine, R.J. Ellis 2017 04 24 Journal Article
Measures of Physical and Mental Independence Among HIV-Positive Individuals: Impact of Substance Use Disorder. B. Christensen, Z. Qin, D.A. Byrd, F. Yu, S. Morgello, B.B. Gelman, D.J. Moore, I. Grant, E.J. Singer, H.S. Fox, L. Baccaglini 2017 Oct Journal Article
Predictors and Impact of Self-Reported Suboptimal Effort on Estimates of Prevalence of HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders A.J. Levine, E.M. Martin, N. Sacktor, C. Munro, J.T. Becker 2017 Journal Article
Histopathological Differences Between the Anterior and Posterior Brain Arteries as a Function of Aging. W. Roth, S. Morgello, J. Goldman, J.P. Mohr, M.S.V. Elkind, R.S. Marshall, J. Gutierrez 2017 03 Journal Article
Modeling brain lentiviral infections during antiretroviral therapy in AIDS. W.C. Roda, M.Y. Li, M.S. Akinwumi, E.L. Asahchop, B.B. Gelman, K.W. Witwer, C. Power 2017 08 Journal Article
MicroRNAs upregulated during HIV infection target peroxisome biogenesis factors: Implications for virus biology, disease mechanisms and neuropathology. Z. Xu, E.L. Asahchop, W.G. Branton, B.B. Gelman, C. Power, T.C. Hobman 2017 Jun Journal Article
High early life stress and aberrant amygdala activity: risk factors for elevated neuropsychiatric symptoms in HIV+ adults. U.S. Clark, L.H. Sweet, S. Morgello, N.S. Philip, R.A. Cohen 2017 Jun Journal Article
Title Authors Date Published
Increased bacterial load in the small intestine but not lungs of HIV subjects J. Yang, D.A. Ngan, S. Tam, J. Leung, D.D. Sin, S.P. Man Poster
Title Authors Date Published
Friedreich Ataxia: Developmental Failure of the Dorsal Root Entry Zone A.H. Koeppen, A.B. Becker, J. Qian, B. Gelman, J.E. Mazurkiewicz Book
Heart and Nervous System Pathology in Compound Heterozygous Friedreich Ataxia A.B. Becker, J. Qian, B. Gelman, M. Yang, P. Bauer, A.H. Koeppen Book
Title Authors Date Published
Common SNPs in the HFE (hemochromatosis) gene are associated with neurocognitive impairment and aging-related neurodegenerative processes in HIV+ adults H. Kaur, T. Hulgan, C. Fennema-Notestine, S. Smieczek, S. Letendre, R.J. Ellis, W.S. Bush, V. Soontornniyomkij, D. Moore, E. Masliah, J.S. Sinsheimer, J.S. Barnholtz-Sloan, D.C. Samuels, A.J. Levine, A.R. Kallianpur Presentation
Book Chapter
Title Authors Date Published
Neuropathology of HIV-1 disease P. Shapshak, A.J. Levine, B.T. Foley, C. Somboonwit, E.J. Singer, F. Chiappelli, J.T. Sinnott, V. Soontornniyomkij Book Chapter