Title Authors Date Published
The Impact of Host Genetics and Stimulant Use on Neurocognition in HIV+ Adults A.J. Levine Miscellaneous
Journal Article
Title Authors Date Published
Human immunodeficiency virus protease inhibitors and risk for peripheral neuropathy. R.J. Ellis, J. Marquie-Beck, P. Delaney, T. Alexander, D.B. Clifford, J.C. McArthur, D.M. Simpson, C. Ake, A.C. Collier, B.B. Gelman, A. McCutchan, S. Morgello, I. Grant 2008 Nov Journal Article
Validation of the CNS Penetration-Effectiveness rank for quantifying antiretroviral penetration into the central nervous system. S. Letendre, J. Marquie-Beck, E. Capparelli, B. Best, D. Clifford, A.C. Collier, B.B. Gelman, J.C. McArthur, A. McCutchan, S. Morgello, D. Simpson, I. Grant, R.J. Ellis 2008 Jan Journal Article
Psychiatric implications of hepatitis-C infection B. Giunta, C. Somboonwit, W.V. Nikolic, E. Rrapo, J. Tan, P. Shapshak, F. Fernandez Journal Article
Expression of the endoplasmic reticulum stress response marker, BiP, in the central nervous system of HIV-positive individuals. K.A. Lindl, C. Akay, Y. Wang, M.G. White, K.L. Jordan-Sciutto 12/2007 Journal Article
Title Authors Date Published
Sociocultural and Cognitive Predictors of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living in an Urban Advanced HIV+ Cohort J. Monzones Thesis
The Effects of Educational Quality on the Cognitive Performance of Minoirty and Caucasian HIV+ Subjects R. Baird Thesis
Book Chapter
Title Authors Date Published
The neuropathology of HIV B. Gelman Book Chapter
Neuropsychological Evaluation B.D. Ryan Book Chapter
Conference Paper
Title Authors Date Published
Understanding Adherence to HAART in an Ethnically Diverse, Substance Using Populatio R.N. Robbins, M. Rivera-Mindt, D. Byrd, E.L. Ryan, J.J. Weiss, S. Morgello Conference Paper
Neuropsychological and Sociocultural Determinants of Activities of Daily Living Among Ethnic Minority HIV+ Adults. J. Monzones, M. Rivera-Mindt, D. Byrd, E.L. Ryan, I. Paltin, S. Morgello Conference Paper
Neuropsychiatric Predictors of Activities of Daily Living Scale Items I. Paltin, M. Rivera-Mindt, D. Byrd, J. Monzones, S. Morgello Conference Paper
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in an HIV+ Cohort J. Travis, R.P. Fellows, D. Byrd, S. Morgello Conference Paper
Proteomic fingerprints for HIV-1 cognitive impairments. W. Rozek, M. Ricardo-Dukelow, H.E. Gendelman, L.M. Meléndez, P. Ciborowski Conference Paper
Regional neurodegeneration in relation to learning and memory difficulties among HIV-infected individuals D. Moore, E. Masliah, R.K. Heaton, I. Grant Conference Paper
Highly active antiretroviral therapy ameliorates gene expression changes in the brain of patients with HIV-associated dementia A. Borjabad, W. Chao, S.Y. Kin, A.I. Brooks, J. Murray, S. Morgello, D.J. Volsky 14/11/2007 Conference Paper
Ethnicity and Risk for HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorders A.J. Levine, C.H. Hinkin, S. Abramyan, E. Haupt, E.H. Saxton, M. Valdes-Sueiras, D. Commins, E.J. Singer 09/2007 Conference Paper
Coronary Artery Disease in HIV-Infected Patients R.G. Micheletti 03/08/2007 Conference Paper
Title Authors Date Published
Predictive validity of neuropsychological assessment and Beck Depression Inventory-II on items of the activities of daily living scale among urban HIV+ adults I. Paltin, M. Rivera-Mindt, D. Byrd, E.L. Ryan, J. Monzones, S. Morgello Poster
Title Authors Date Published
Duvernoy’s atlas: The human brain stem & cerebellum. High-field MRI: Surface anatomy, internal structure, vascularization & 3D sectional anatomy T.P. Naidich, H.M. Duvernoy, B.N. Delman, A.G. Sorensen, S.S. Kollias, E.M. Haacke Book