Conference Paper
Title Authors Date Published
HIV-1 infection and central monoamine neurotransmitters. A. Kumar, B. Fernandez, I. Borodowsky, L. Gonzalez, M. Kumar Conference Paper
Long-term outcome of everyday functioning and neurocognitive ability following CNS opportunistic infection in AIDS. A.J. Levine, C.H. Hinkin, E. Haupt, M. Martinez, M. Valdes-Sueiras, E.H. Saxton, G. Mathisen, D. Commins, A. Moe, K. Ando, C. Farthing, E.J. Singer Conference Paper
Coronary Atherosclerosis in HIV-Infected Patients R.G. Micheletti 19/07/2007 Conference Paper
Title Authors Date Published
HIV-1 Tropism in Neuropathogenesis and Therapy P. Clapham Miscellaneous
Book Chapter
Title Authors Date Published
Immunodeficiency-related Lymphoproliferative Disorders J.W. Said Book Chapter
Title Authors Date Published
Influence of drug abuse on brain microglial responses in HIV infection in a predominantly black and Hispanic population G. Safdieh Thesis
Journal Article
Title Authors Date Published
Mirtazapine in progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy associated with polycythemia vera S. Verma, K. Cikurel, I.J. Koralnik, S. Morgello, C. Cunningham-Rundles, Z.R. Weinstein, C. Bergmann, D.M. Simpson 2007 Journal Article
Neurologic complications of HIV disease and their treatment S. Letendre, B.M. Ances, S. Gibson, R.J. Ellis 2007 Journal Article
Neuropathologic confirmation of definitional criteria for human immunodeficiency virus-associated neurocognitive disorders M. Cherner, L. Cysique, R.K. Heaton, T.D. Marcotte, R.J. Ellis, E. Masliah, I. Grant 2007 Journal Article
Oxidative stress and toxicity induced by the nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI)–2',3'-dideoxycytidine (ddC): relevance to HIV-dementia W.O. Opii, R. Sultana, H.M. Abdul, M.A. Ansari, A. Nath, D.A. Butterfield 03/2007 Journal Article
Pathogenesis of hepatitis C virus coinfection in the brains of patients infected with HIV S. Letendre, A. Paulino, E. Rockenstein, A. Adame, L.A. Crews, M. Cherner, R.K. Heaton, R.J. Ellis, I. Everall, I. Grant, E. Masliah 2007 Journal Article
Role of the transcription factor E2F1 in CXCR4-mediated neurotoxicity and HIV neuropathology S. Shimizu, M.Z. Khan, R.L. Hippensteel, A. Parkar, R. Raghupathi, O. Meucci 01/2007 Journal Article
The generalizability of neurocognitive test/retest data derived from a nonclinical sample for detecting change among two HIV+ cohorts A.J. Levine, C.H. Hinkin, E.N. Miller, J.T. Becker, O.A. Selnes, B.A. Cohen 2007 Journal Article
Toll-like receptor pathway gene expression is associated with human immunodeficiency virus-associated neurodegeneration S. Salaria, H. Badkoobehi, E. Rockenstein, L.A. Crews, G. Chana, E. Masliah, I. Everall 2007 Journal Article
Frequency and predictors of self-reported prospective memory complaints in individuals infected with HIV S.Paul Woods, C. Carey, L.M. Moran, M.S. Dawson, S. Letendre, I. Grant 2007 Journal Article
HIV-1 RNA concentration and cognitive performance in a cohort of HIV-positive people B. Vitiello, K. Goodkin, D. Ashtana, P. Shapshak, J.H. Atkinson, P.N.R. Heseltine, E. Eaton, R.K. Heaton, W.D. Lyman 2007 Journal Article
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 RNA Levels in different regions of human brain: quantification using real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction A. Kumar, I. Borodowsky, B. Fernandez, L. Gonzalez, M. Kumar 2007 Journal Article
HIV and antiretroviral therapy in the brain: neuronal injury and repair R.J. Ellis, D. Langford, E. Masliah 2007 Journal Article
Human immunodeficiency virus infection inhibits granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor-induced microglial proliferation M.A. Cosenza-Nashat, M.L. Zhao, H.D. Marshall, Q. Si, S. Morgello, S.C. Lee 2007 Journal Article
Human immunodeficiency virus-1/surface glycoprotein 120 induces apoptosis through RNA-activated protein kinase signaling in neurons M. Alirezaei, D.D. Watry, C.F. Flynn, W.B. Kiosses, E. Masliah, B.R.G. Williams, M. Kaul, S.A. Lipton, H.S. Fox 2007 Journal Article