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Journal Article
Levine AJ, Quach A, Moore DJ, Achim CL, Soontornniyomkij V, Masliah E, Singer EJ, Gelman B, Nemanim N, Horvath S. Accelerated epigenetic aging in brain is associated with pre-mortem HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders. J Neurovirol. 2016 ;22(3):366-75.
Morgello S, Jacobs M, Murray J, Byrd D, Neibart E, Mintz L, Meloni G, Chon C, Crary J. Alzheimer's disease neuropathology may not predict functional impairment in HIV: a report of two individuals. J Neurovirol. 2018 ;24(5):629-637.
Bryant AK, Ellis RJ, Umlauf A, Gouaux B, Soontornniyomkij V, Letendre SL, Achim CL, Masliah E, Grant I, Moore DJ. Antiretroviral therapy reduces neurodegeneration in HIV infection. AIDS. 2015 ;29(3):323-30.
Gutierrez J, Menshawy K, Gonzalez M, Goldman J, Elkind MSV, Marshall R, Morgello S. Brain large artery inflammation associated with HIV and large artery remodeling. AIDS. 2016 ;30(3):415-23.
Hunter MD, Shenoy A, Dwork A, Elkind MSV, Marshall R, Mohr JP, Morgello S, Gutierrez J. Brain vascular intima vulnerability among HIV-positive and negative individuals. AIDS. 2018 ;32(15):2209-2216.
Lamers SL, Fogel GB, Liu ES, Barbier AE, Rodriguez CW, Singer EJ, Nolan DJ, Rose R, McGrath MS. Brain-specific HIV Nef identified in multiple patients with neurological disease. J Neurovirol. 2018 ;24(1):1-15.
Gutierrez J, Goldman J, Honig LS, Elkind MSV, Morgello S, Marshall RS. Determinants of cerebrovascular remodeling: do large brain arteries accommodate stenosis?. Atherosclerosis. 2014 ;235(2):371-9.
Pina-Oviedo S, Urbanska K, Radhakrishnan S, Sweet TM, Reiss K, Khalili K, Del-Valle L. Effects of JC virus infection on anti-apoptotic protein survivin in progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. The American Journal of Pathology [Internet]. 2007 ;170:1291-304. Available from:
Lamers SL, Fogel GB, Nolan DJ, Barbier AE, Rose R, Singer EJ, Gonzalez-Perez MPaz, McGrath MS. Emerging Patterns in HIV-1 gp120 Variable Domains in Anatomical Tissues in the Absence of a Plasma Viral Load. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2019 ;35(6):588-596.
Shah M, Smit TK, Morgello S, Tourtellotte W, Gelman B, Brew BJ, Saksena NK. Env gp120 sequence analysis of HIV type 1 strains from diverse areas of the brain shows preponderance of CCR5 usage. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses [Internet]. 2006 ;22:177-81. Available from:
Desplats P, Dumaop W, Cronin P, Gianella S, Woods S, Letendre S, Smith D, Masliah E, Grant I. Epigenetic alterations in the brain associated with HIV-1 infection and methamphetamine dependence. PLoS One. 2014 ;9(7):e102555.
Ramos FM, Delgado-Vélez M, Ortiz ÁL, Báez-Pagán CA, Quesada O, Lasalde-Dominicci JA. Expression of CHRFAM7A and CHRNA7 in neuronal cells and postmortem brain of HIV-infected patients: considerations for HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder. J Neurovirol. 2016 ;22(3):327-35.
Marx GA, Kauffman J, McKenzie AT, Koenigsberg DG, McMillan CT, Morgello S, Karlovich E, Insausti R, Richardson TE, Walker JM, et al. Histopathologic brain age estimation via multiple instance learning. Acta Neuropathol. 2023 ;146(6):785-802.
Roth W, Morgello S, Goldman J, Mohr JP, Elkind MSV, Marshall RS, Gutierrez J. Histopathological Differences Between the Anterior and Posterior Brain Arteries as a Function of Aging. Stroke. 2017 ;48(3):638-644.
Lamers SL, Rose R, Maidji E, Agsalda-Garcia M, Nolan DJ, Fogel GB, Salemi M, Garcia DL, Bracci P, Yong W, et al. HIV DNA Is Frequently Present within Pathologic Tissues Evaluated at Autopsy from Combined Antiretroviral Therapy-Treated Patients with Undetectable Viral Loads. J Virol. 2016 ;90(20):8968-83.
Rose R, Lamers SL, Nolan DJ, Maidji E, Faria NR, Pybus OG, Dollar JJ, Maruniak SA, McAvoy AC, Salemi M, et al. HIV Maintains an Evolving and Dispersed Population in Multiple Tissues during Suppressive Combined Antiretroviral Therapy in Individuals with Cancer. J Virol. 2016 ;90(20):8984-93.
Soontornniyomkij V, Umlauf A, Soontornniyomkij B, Batki IB, Moore DJ, Masliah E, Achim CL. Lifetime methamphetamine dependence is associated with cerebral microgliosis in HIV-1-infected adults. J Neurovirol. 2016 ;22(5):650-660.
Tatro ET, Hefler S, Shumaker-Armstrong S, Soontornniyomkij B, Yang M, Yermanos A, Wren N, Moore D, Achim C. Modulation of BK channel by MicroRNA-9 in neurons after exposure to HIV and methamphetamine. J Neuroimmune Pharmacol. 2013 ;8(5):1210-23.
Fishman SL, Murray J, Eng FJ, Walewski JL, Morgello S, Branch AD. Molecular and bioinformatic evidence of hepatitis C virus evolution in brain. The Journal of Infectious Diseases [Internet]. 2008 ;197:597-607. Available from:
Shapiro SD, Goldman J, Morgello S, Honig L, Elkind MSV, Marshall RS, Mohr JP, Gutierrez J. Pathological correlates of brain arterial calcifications. Cardiovasc Pathol. 2019 ;38:7-13.
Gutierrez J, Murray J, Chon C, Morgello S. Relationship between brain large artery characteristics and their downstream arterioles. J Neurovirol. 2018 ;24(1):106-112.
Umlauf A, Soontornniyomkij B, Sundermann EE, Gouaux B, Ellis RJ, Levine AJ, Moore DJ, Soontornniyomkij V. Risk of developing cerebral β-amyloid plaques with posttranslational modification among HIV-infected adults. AIDS. 2019 ;33(14):2157-2166.