Query Tool

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The Query Tool is a web-based utility that allows researchers to quickly search and identify appropriate NNTC cases to support their research projects. The results generated by the tool reflect the cohort as it was reported in central database on 17Jul2024. There are a total of 3630 cases enrolled into the NNTC study (414 HIV+ participants currently active). Note these numbers are different from our Public Reports which excludes cases with limited characterization. 185 cases are excluded from query tool search results due to unknown HIV status or a study status of lost to follow up. The presence of records meeting your search criteria does not guarantee that specimens or any sub-region (e.g. hippocampus, caudate) of that specimen selected are available for study. A formal review of site inventory will be conducted following approval of your tissue request to confirm availability.

Please note the following key features of the query tool:
  • All drop-down fields by default are set to “Any” and all fields marked with this option are not included in the query results.
  • Selecting “All” causes the query to add the field to the results but does not filter the case listing.
  • Selecting the “Exclude” modifier plus a specific field value removes cases from the results table with this value.
  • If multiple values are selected in your query, only cases which meet all of the the specified conditions will be displayed.
  • Click “Submit” to generate query results and click "Reset" to remove all previous criteria selections.
  • A Summary tab will appear in the Content Area Menu to the left following the submission of a query. The Summary page will list all of the criteria selected in the query.
  • Click “Save Query Data” to save the query and to perform a requery using our Requery tool.
  • Click "Download Data" to download a csv formatted file to your computer containing the results of your query and the query ID.

  • After you submit a query, a message will appear indicating the overall results, a unique query ID that can be stored for future reference, and a case listing table. You may modify selection criteria and add fields iteratively on the various content tabs to narrow down your search. To modify your criteria via the Requery tool at a later date, please save the query ID and/or download your query results. Note: green highlights in the results table indicate the values matching specified criteria. A collapsible menu to contact the DCC with your current query results is available below the results table.
    Select demographic criteria including HIV status, gender, and ethnicity from the list below.
    Participant's current status in the study
    Tiering refers to the frequency at which the patient is followed. As the patient's health improves, the frequency of scheduled visits decreases.
    If active, age is based on last clinical visit or relative to today if no visit information is available. If inactive, age is based on date of inactive status. If deceased, age is based on date of death.
    Nadir CD4 count refers to the lowest CD4 value confirmed by medical charts, lab analyses, or self-report. Research has suggested that nadir CD4 is a good predictor of HIV-related cognitive impairment.
    Anthropometric data refers to collection of height, weight, and other body measurements as well as blood pressure.
    Quality of Life
    Reports sleep quality indicated at the baseline visit
    Reports sleep quality indicated at the last visit
    Reports hours of sleep indicated at the baseline visit
    Reports hours of sleep indicated at the last visit
    Reports PAOFI Total Score at baseline
    Reports PAOFI Total Score at last visit
    Comorbidity is defined as the presence of one or more additional disorders (or diseases) co-occurring with a primary disease or disorder. The NNTC assesses patients at each visit for the following comorbidities that were deemed critical by the Neuromedical Subcommittee to characterize the cohort.
    Diagnosis at any study visit
    Diagnosis at any study visit
    Diagnosis at any study visit
    Diagnosis at any study visit
    Diagnosis at any study visit
    Diagnosis at any study visit
    Diagnosis at any study visit
    Diagnosis at any study visit
    Diagnosis at any study visit
    Diagnosis at any study visit
    Diagnosis at any study visit
    Diagnosis at any study visit
    Neurocognitive Profile
    The NNTC assigns participants a primary neurocognitive diagnosis at each study visit along with a set of neuromedical diagnoses. The neuromedical diagnoses listed below are clinical, not pathological, diagnoses, and may change as the subject’s disease progresses during the period of study. Clinical data from multiple sources (participant, informants, and/or medical records) are reviewed by a clinician and combined with the participant's neuropsychological performance to determine a participant’s overall neurocognitive status. The diagnosis criteria presented in the first two fields below are based on the Frascati criteria if available, otherwise AAN. ANI=Asymptomatic Neurocognitive Impairment (Frascati); MND=Mild Neurocognitive Disorder (Frascati); MCMD=Minor Cognitive Motor Disorder (AAN); HAD=HIV Associated Dementia (both)
    Reports the neurocognitive diagnosis assigned at baseline visit
    Reports the neurocognitive diagnosis assigned at last visit
    Reports presence of condition at any visit
    Psychiatric Profile
    The NNTC has historically used an abbreviated version of the Psychiatric Research Interview for Substance and Mental Disorder (PRISM) instrument to diagnose psychopathology. In recent years sites have switched from using the PRISM to the Composite Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) which is administered on the computer and provides an output to the clinician with final diagnoses. Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) is also administered at each visit to assess symptoms of depression.
    Current diagnosis refers to the last visit
    Current refers to the last visit. Positive results include both illicit and prescribed use.
    Positive results include both illicit and prescribed use.
    Neuropsych Profile
    Current impairment refers to the last visit. Impairment is defined as a T-score <40.
    A 2 to 3-hour battery of Neuropsychological tests is currently in use consortium-wide. The measures were selected for their sensitivity to HIV associated impairments and to assess a broad representation of neurocognitive domains in a time-efficient manner.
    Impairment is defined as a T-score <40.
    Neuromedical Profile
    The Neuromedical Battery includes information on cerebrovascular disease, frailty, and motor score measurements.
    Reports the cerebrovascular diagnosis assigned at baseline visit
    Reports the cerebrovascular diagnosis assigned at last visit
    Reports level of impairment at baseline visit based on Total Motor Score: 0: Not Impaired; 1-4: Mild Impairment; >=5: Severe Impairment
    Reports level of impairment at last visit based on Total Motor Score: 0: Not Impaired; 1-4: Mild Impairment; >=5: Severe Impairment
    Reports Frailty Stage at baseline visit.
    Reports Frailty Stage at last visit.
    Medication Exposure
    ARV use is captured at each visit. Medication dosage and start/stop dates are recorded. Concomitant medication use is also reviewed at each visit and medications reported by the patient are coded into the central database according to the ACTG dictionary that is based on the AHFS Drug Information Guide.
    HAART is defined as currently taking 2 or more NRTI's and 1 NNRTI/PI/II at the last visit.
    Exposure refers to medication use at any time.
    History of concomitant medication use at any visit
    HIV CNS Pathology
    An extensive neuropathological evaluation of brain and other tissues is conducted upon each NNTC participant’s demise. Brain and spinal cord are assigned pathological diagnoses by the site neuropathologist after processing and review.
    Supplemental Pathology
    The Supplemental pathology protocol was approved by the Neuropathology Subcommittee is 2002 whereby peripheral nerve, kidney, liver, heart, lung, and GI tract would be evaluated for common non-HIV related diseases. An overall "Abnormal" diagnosis for a system is characterized further by specific pathology in the fields that follow.
    Specimen Inventory
    Standard procedures are used in the acquisition and storage of these collected tissues. Samples are either frozen and stored at -70 degrees celsius or fixed in 10% to 15% phosphate-buffered formalin. After fixation blocks are cut and processed for paraffin-embedding and routine histology.
    Laboratory Data
    The labs listed below reflect a variety of test results collected on study cases. Please note not all tests are collected at every visit and some of them are not part of the standard NNTC protocol, which means not all cases have a measurement.
    Positive indicates at least one positive COVID test result regardless of any negative results; Negative indicates all available test results are negative; Unknown indicates no test results are available.
    Experimental Results
    Availability of endo/exo-chemical data from previous research on case
    Availability of morphometric data from previous research on case
    Availability of genotype data from previous research on case
    Availability of genotype data from previous research on case
    Availability of protein data from previous research on case
    Availability of microbiome data from previous research on case
    Availability of virology data from previous research on case
    Availability of other data from previous research on case
    Viral Suppression
    Select viral suppression criteria: Criteria 1. The subjects have been followed for at least 5 years before death. There must be at least 1 undetectable viral load within 1 year of death, or 2 undetectable viral loads within 2 years of death. Over the 5 year period before death, there must be at least 4 undetectable viral loads. Note that “blips” of detectable virus are allowed, however these must be <1000 copies/mL during this 5 year period. Criteria 2. The subjects have been followed for at least 2 years before death. There must be at least 1 undetectable viral load within 6 months of death. Note that “blips” of detectable virus are allowed, however these must be <1000 copies/mL during this 2 year period.