Journal Article
Title Authors Date Published
HIV-Infection: CNS Dopamine & Cognition A. Kumar, M. Kumar, B. Fernandez, E.J. Singer, D. Waldrop-Valverde, F.L. Wilkie Journal Article
Regional quantitative comparison of multispliced to unspliced ratios of HIV-1 RNA copy number in infected human brain R.K. Fujimura, I. Khamis, P. Shapshak, K. Goodkin 2004 Journal Article
The impact of HIV-associated neuropsychological impairment on everyday functioning R.K. Heaton, T.D. Marcotte, M. Rivera-Mindt, J. Sadek, D. Moore, H. Bentley, J.A. McCutchan, C. Reicks, I. Grant, HNRC 05/2004 Journal Article
The role of mitochondrial alterations in the combined toxic effects of human immunodeficiency virus Tat protein and methamphetamine on calbindin positive-neurons D. Langford, A. Grigorian, R. Hurford, A. Adame, L.A. Crews, E. Masliah 12/2004 Journal Article
Up-regulation of soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor two in plasma of HIV-seropositive individuals who use opiates L.A. Ryan, M. Brester, D. Bohac, S. Morgello, J.C. Zheng 01/2004 Journal Article
Proteomic pointers in HIV neurocognitive disorder I. Everall, I. Grant 04/2004 Journal Article
Qualitative aspects of verbal fluency in HIV-associated dementia: a deficit in rule-guided lexical-semantic search processes? S.Paul Woods, E. Conover, J.D. Rippeth, C. Carey, R.G. Gonzalez, T.D. Marcotte, R.K. Heaton, I. Grant, HNRC 2004 Journal Article
Movement disorders and AIDS: a review W. Tse, M.G. Cersosimo, J.M. Gracies, S. Morgello, C.W. Olanow, W. Koller 08/2004 Journal Article
Macrophage/microglial accumulation and proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression in the central nervous system in human immunodeficiency virus encephalopathy T. Fischer-Smith, S. Croul, A. Adeniyi, K. Rybicka, S. Morgello, K. Khalili, J. Rappaport 06/2004 Journal Article
New JC virus infection patterns by in situ polymerase chain reaction in brains of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy R.W. Einsiedel, I.W. Samorei, M. Pawlita, B. Zwissler, M. Deubel, H.V. Vinters 02/2004 Journal Article
Novel markers of oxidative stress in actively progressive HIV dementia N. Sacktor, N.J. Haughey, R. Cutler, A. Tamara, J. Turchan-Cholewo, C. Pardo, D. Vargas, A. Nath 12/2004 Journal Article
Neuropsychiatric impact of hepatitis C on advanced HIV E.L. Ryan, S. Morgello, K. Isaacs, M. Naseer, P. Gerits, M.H.I.V.B. Bank 03/2004 Journal Article
OTK18 expression in brain mononuclear phagocytes parallels the severity of HIV-1 encephalitis K.A. Carlson, J. Limoges, G.D. Pohlman, L.Y. Poluektova, D. Langford, E. Masliah, T. Ikezu, H.E. Gendelman 05/2004 Journal Article
Title Authors Date Published
Hepatitis C Virus Brain Infection in HCV/HIV Coinfection T. Laskus Miscellaneous
Conference Paper
Title Authors Date Published
Lack of age-related cognitive decline among an advanced HIV cohort E.L. Ryan, M. Rivera-Mindt, J. Monzones, M. Naseer, S. Morgello, M.H.I.V.B. Bank Conference Paper
HIV-Infection and CNS Neurotransmitters A. Kumar 05/2004 Conference Paper
HIV-Infection: CNS Dopamine & Cognition A. Kumar, M. Kumar, B. Fernandez, E.J. Singer, D. Waldrop-Valverde, F.L. Wilkie 10/09/2004 Conference Paper
Altered monocyte/macrophage trafficking in CNS and visceral tissues in HIV encephalopathy T. Fischer-Smith, S. Croul, O. Haxhistasa, R. Bonwetsch, A. Adeniyi, K. Rybicka, S. Morgello, K. Khalili, J. Rappaport Conference Paper
Abnormal white matter genes drive an acquired channelopathy in subcortical dementia associated with HIV infection B. Gelman, K.W. Schuenke, V.M. Soukup Conference Paper
Brain gene expression P. Shapshak Conference Paper