Conference Paper
Title Authors Date Published
Spinal cord inflammation correlates with long tract signs but not clinical impression of myelopathy in HIV-infected patients M. Li, J. Murray, S. Morgello Conference Paper
Spinal cord inflammation correlates with ARV therapy and long tract signs, but not clinical impression of myelopathy in HAART-era, HIV-infected patients S. Morgello, M. Li, J. Murray, L.B. Estanislao Conference Paper
Mononuclear phagocyte accumulation in non-CNS tissues in HIV dementia complex: Evidence for increased monocyte/macrophage trafficking and altered differentiation T. Fischer-Smith, S. Croul, O. Haxhistasa, R. Bonwetsch, S. Morgello, K. Khalili, J. Rappaport Conference Paper
Neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction at the synapse correlates with cognitive impairment and dementia in the era of HAART G. Trillo-Pazos, E.L. Ryan, S.Y. Choi, S. Morgello, D.J. Volsky Conference Paper
National NeuroAIDS Tissue Consortium [NNTC] I. Grant, B. Gelman, S. Morgello, E.J. Singer Conference Paper
Neuropsychological impairment predicts multi-region HIV-related neurodegeneration D. Moore, M. Cherner, E. Masliah, R.G. Gonzalez, C. Carey, A. Gongvatana, T.D. Marcotte, R.K. Heaton, I. Grant Conference Paper
Auditory function in patients with HIV/AIDS D. Carlson, B. Gelman 11/2003 Conference Paper
Brain Aging in AIDS: Increased ubiquitin-protein conjugate is correlated with decreased synaptic protein but not altered A beta-plaque accumulation B. Gelman, K.W. Schuenke Conference Paper
CD68 and HIV P24 expression in CNS and visceral tissues in HIV associated PML S. Croul, T. Fischer-Smith, Y.X. Ke, S. Morgello, K. Khalili, J. Rappaport Conference Paper
Co-morbidity of HIV Associated renal disease and HIV dementia complex: Implications for mechanisms of pathogenesis and clinical management T. Fischer-Smith, S. Croul, O. Haxhistasa, R. Bonwetsch, S. Morgello, K. Khalili, J. Rappaport Conference Paper
Diagnosis of HIV– associated distal symmetrical polyneuropathy in the primary care setting L.B. Estanislao, S. Morgello, D. Dorfman, K. Giles, T. Baker, A. Geraci, D.M. Simpson Conference Paper
Executive dysfunction in AIDS patients co-infected with hepatitis C E.L. Ryan, K. Isaacs, S. Morgello Conference Paper
Increased subcortical brain lysosomal enzyme activity is correlated with decreased neurocognitive function in HIV/AIDS: A multisite analysis using the National NeuroAIDS Tissue Consortium cohort B. Gelman, V.M. Soukup, K.W. Schuenke Conference Paper
Journal Article
Title Authors Date Published
The emerging role of infectious pathogens in neurodegenerative diseases D. Langford, E. Masliah 12/2003 Journal Article
Oxidative stress in HIV demented patients and protection ex vivo with novel antioxidants J. Turchan-Cholewo, C.B. Pocernich, C. Gairola, A. Chauhan, G. Schifitto, D.A. Butterfield, S. Buch, O. Narayan, A. Sinai, J. Geiger, J.R. Berger, H. Elford, A. Nath 01/2003 Journal Article
Patterns of selective neuronal damage in methamphetamine-user AIDS patients D. Langford, A. Adame, A. Grigorian, I. Grant, J.A. McCutchan, R.J. Ellis, T.D. Marcotte, E. Masliah, HNRC 12/2003 Journal Article
Population pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of zidovudine in HIV-infected infants and children E.V. Capparelli, J.A. Englund, J.R. Connor, S.A. Spector, R.E. McKinney, P. Palumbo, C.J. Baker 04/2003 Journal Article
Patient page. A new clue in the mystery of neuro-AIDS E.J. Singer 06/2003 Journal Article
Title Authors Date Published
Bioinformatics in Neurodegenerative Disease P. Shapshak Miscellaneous
HIV Neural Apoptosis: Mechanisms, Pathways, & Prevention D.L. Kolson Miscellaneous